Part III - Happy New Year from NZ!
Well well well… Looks like it’s 2023 already and I haven’t written anything here since… a long time ago. Whoops. Time flies when you’re not doing anything, I suppose.
Since the last post I’ve done exactly two (2) dives, nowhere near as many as I had planned to do, due to the fact that Tasmania assaulted me with a cold just as I was going to dive - managed the first dive (extremely pretty underwater landscape with lots of kelp and fish and colorful soft coral) and about 20 minutes of a second one (with a weedy sea dragon!) before my sinuses refused to let me do that anymore. And then I arrived in NZ with Covid, and that’s been that with diving.
On the plus side, in exactly one week we’ll fly to Fiji, where I’m planning to see a lot of sharks (tiger, lemon, bull) and I hope to have a lot of images for you by the end of week 1 of 2 over there. After that we’ll be in NZ again, around Christchurch, then Kubu in Bali for a month where I expect I’ll grow gills due to extreme water exposure, before heading back to NZ for the third time.
In the meantime, please enjoy some images from my time on the North Island of NZ…